CFE (Suisse) S.A. – Geneva

CFE (Suisse) S.A. provides trade facilitating services that go well beyond the traditional bank offering

In view of the substantial growth of business activities until 2012, CFE Finance Group decided to create a fully owned, Geneva-based independent subsidiary focusing on trade finance activities.

CFE (Suisse) S.A. was established in June 2013 with a fully paid-up capital of CHF 10 million.

The Swiss branch caters to the needs of a large number of clients, mainly SMEs located in Central and Southern Europe.

CFE (Suisse) S.A. is able to provide services which go well beyond the traditional bank offering, by seeking to identify market niches which are uncovered by bank funding.

The company’s activities have substantially grown through to the use of the securitization vehicles better addressing the needs of institutional clients.

What we do

CFE (Suisse) S.A. is responsible for the origination and monitoring of all trade finance assets allocated to the various portfolios for which the company has a mandate.

Assets are originated directly from SMEs, mid and large cap companies and sometimes banks or other financial institutions.


CFE (Suisse) S.A. is responsible for the origination and monitoring of all trade finance assets allocated to the various portfolios for which the company has a mandate

Trade Finance

CFE (Suisse) SA
Cours de Rive, 10

CH-1204 Genève

Tel: +41 22 312 59 10